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The Blog
The HRT Train

The HRT Train

In my last post, I cheerfully shared my adventures in perimenopause, but let me tell you, the fatigue was no joke! I felt like I had time-traveled back to my days of battling chronic fatigue. It was debilitating, to say the least. But fear not, a quick trip to the doctor, and I was all in for the hormonal treatment – sign me up for those magic pills!

Now, every night, you can catch me slathering on the estrogen gel, and on day 14, I reluctantly pop those “please don’t make me insane” progesterone tablets. The outcome? Two months on the elixir of life, and poof! The fatigue magically disappeared, and I found myself turning back into my sprightly 21-year-old self. Admittedly, along with the renewed energy came a few unwelcome pimples from my youth. Oh well, can’t have it all, right?

But here’s the kicker – my monthly periods made a grand comeback too, which is both puzzling and slightly annoying. Will they eventually fade away as my egg reserve dwindles? Should I have considered hopping on the pill train? Nah, as a proud 53-year-old pansexual woman happily married for 32 years, it just didn’t feel like the right fit.

And to add more spice to my life, I recently had my second hip replacement. Yup, I’ve officially entered the ‘upgrade your joints’ phase of life. Stay tuned for more adventures in joint-replacement land in next month’s update. Let the good times roll!

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