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The Blog
welcome to your 50’s

welcome to your 50’s

welcome to your 50’s for me that has meant sliding ungracefully into menopause, what a joy that is especially as an older mum I have 2 mid teenagers and in this house a wife.

the wife is psych based and for the most part I’m eternally grateful for the questions and terminology she brings to the house, at the moment with the touch of the pause i seem to have reverted back to my personality of about 20 years old all sassy , cranky, bitchy but just a little more rounder. the other night we were talking about this leap of faith I am taking retiring from hairdressing and setting out with on online business,im terrified to say the least, I know how to create beautiful hair styles with a snip here and a touch of colour there, working on a computer is totally different and I’m trying to access that part of the brain that remembers how to type.apart from that fear there is also a new challenge and that’s one of my body changing with menopause, so far I am grateful that Im not getting the hot flushes but the body aches and pains are out of tis world, fingers will take turns with joints aching or my knees now unusual noises walking up stairs, i’m tired all the time and life sometimes just doesn’t seem as exciting. I am still undecided about wether I should add some hormones back in ,I guess that is up to every woman.

Float that against my two children one who is making all the right decisions but could talk the leg off a chair to the other that isn’t quite making the best decisions that I can barely get a word out of, lol.

anyhoo, I will leave this part of the site a place for me to bitch and moan or just ramble about life.

look after yourselves ladies and don’t forget to lounge

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